Solax Data HUB 1000


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  • In stock 28 pcs

Solax Data HUB 1000

  • solax-datahub-1000.png

















The SolaX DataHub1000 supports MODBUS TCP communication, which reflects the transmitted information required by the grid distributor. This allows you to read data from a connected meter or inverter, or control your PV plant with power control commands.



SolaX DataHub 1000, a reliable device designed to effortlessly monitor and manage your site, particularly when equipped with multiple SolaX inverters. With its advanced power control features, this professional device ensures that your system is compliant with local grid requirements, enabling you to maximize control and efficiency. Experience remote monitoring, intelligent power control, and robust data storage, all tailored to enhance the performance of your energy system. DataHub1000 allows connection of up to 60 inverters of the same series.

  • Local, remote monitoring
  • Inverter group management and upgrades
  • Intelligent export control, DRM control of inverter group
  • Support for high-capacity data storage
  • IEC104 protocol support



We have two options to connect the wifi Dongle to SolaX cloud.


1. Using a laptop and the web interface

wifi-dongle 1.png

  • The dongle connected to the inverter broadcasts a wi-fi network named "wifi_Sxxxxxxxxx" (Sxxxxxxxxx is the registration number of the dongle)
  • Connect to this network using the notebook in the wi-fi network connection section of the notebook model
  • Open a web browser and enter the following address in the URL bar of the search engine:, if the dongle does not respond use the address


wifi-dongle 2.png

  • Username: admin
  • Password: module registration number having the format "Sxxxxxxxxxxx"


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  • Select the SSID of the network you want to connect the dongle to + enter the password of the wifi network. Then press the Save button.
  • After the reboot, the wifi dongle is connected to the given network, we can check by logging into the dongle again according to the previous instructions, and check if the dongle has been assigned an IP address in the IP address entry.


2. Using the app on your mobile phone

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  • Download the SolaX cloud app from the App store or Google play
  • Create/have created an end customer account
  • Select wifi connection under account


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  • Scan / write out the registration number of the dongle


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  • List / select the wi-fi network I want to connect the inverter to
  • Press Next button
  • Done ?


Note: Wi-fi dongles only support 2.4GHz networks with WPA2 encryption, the network name should not contain Czech accents, you must have location + data enabled on your mobile device.

By default, the DataHUB 1000 does not treat the state when communication breaks down and export control is set.


If I want the inverters to stop working when either the communication with DataHUB 1000 fails or the meter communication fails I have to make the following settings:


DataHUB 1.png

  • Modbus opcode: Write single register
  • Register start adress: 6152
  • Number of registres: 1
  • Value of write operation: 1


DataHUB 2.png

  • Modbus opcode: Write single register
  • Register start adress: 6153
  • Number of registres: 1
  • Value of write operation: 1

We offer Wi-fi, Wi-fi + LAN dongles that have a refresh rate of sending data to the SolaX cloud of 10 sec. Thanks to this faster data upload, the user gets a better overview of what is happening in the installation.


The 10 sec dongle carries the following designations:

  • Wi-fi 3.0: B-210-1017 – Solax Pocket Dongle WIFI 3.0 PLUS
  • Wi-fi + LAN: B-210-1020 – Solax Pocket Dongle WIFI+LAN 3.0


Inverters supported:

  • X1 MINI G4
  • X1 BOOST G4
  • X1 HYBRID G4 with Dongle 3.0 input
  • X3 HYBRID G4 with Dongle 3.0 input


Users will also appreciate MODBUS TCP communication for Wi-fi + LAN dongles, which was not available with LAN dongles.


After purchasing the Dongle 10 sec, the function needs to be activated in the SolaX cloud as follows:

dongle10sec 1.png

dongle10sec 2.png


You will see the 10 sec data refresh interval on this page:

dongle10sec 3.png

dongle10sec 4.png



  • Diesel generator set with the same or higher output as the installation (KRAFTWELE KW9800 3F ATS)
  • ATS control
  • CT
  • Smart meter (Chint DTSU666/CT)
  • WARNING! ULTRA inverters require a right-hand phase sequence, Hybrid G4 does not require this


Control Methods:


1. Using ATS only - currently only for Hybrid G4!!

In this case the inverter does not communicate directly with the genset, but the ATS of the genset monitors the voltage on the GRID side. The moment there is a voltage failure on the selected phase of the AC grid, the ATS starts the aggregate.


diesel_generator 1.png



  • On the grid side, a smart meter (direct metering/direct metering) is required The communication address of this meter must be "2".
  • CT coils are required to protect the generator against backflow. (CTs use an analog signal which is faster than the digital signal used in the smart meter.


ATS wiring only:

The wiring procedure in the manual must be followed. Here is an example for our tested KRAFTWELE KW9800 3F ATS.

The inverter is connected from the Grid terminals to the ATS to the OUTPUT terminals. The distribution grid is connected to the House Net terminals and the output of the diesel generator set is connected to the Generator terminals. The SMART METER is connected between the distribution network and the ATS.


diesel_generator 2.jpg



Between the ATS and the GRID terminals of the inverter, the CT coils are connected towards the GENERATOR! These coils are typically placed just after the ATS so that the coils sense the consumption at the point of installation that is connected after these coils, it is very important that the arrows of the coils point towards the distribution network, failure to do so can lead to the destruction of the diesel-generator.


diesel_generator 3.png



On the ATS box there is a button with the AUTO / MANUAL option

  • When using the ATS function, the button is in the AUTO position
  • When using the DRY CONTACT function, the button is in the MANUAL position


ATS setting only:


diesel_generator 4.png



  • MaxChargePower - Maximum battery charging power (0~30000, 5000W default)
  • Char&Disc Period - Same function as in inverter charging time setting
  • Charge from Gen → Charge battery to - How much SOC battery to be charged from generator (10~100, 10% default)
  • Charge from Gen → Charge battery to


2. Using Dry Contact Hybrid G4/Ultra

The inverter is directly connected via DO contact (COM port pin: 7,8 for Hybrid G4 or DIO port pin 1+2 for Ultra) to the ATS and gives a signal when the ATS should start the generator.


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  • On the network side a smart meter (direct/indirect measurement) is required and the communication address must be "2".
  • CT coils are required to protect the generator against backflow. (CTs use an analog signal that is faster than the digital signal used in the smart meter.
  • From the COM port on the inverter (pin 7,8) or the DIO port (pin 1+2) for the Ultra, route the signal to the ATS switch (Auto/manual button) where a connection needs to be made so that the ATS can be controlled by the inverter.


DRY CONTACT wiring (Hybrid G4):

diesel_generator 6.png


DRY CONTACT (Ultra) wiring:

Uses Pin 1+2 from the DIO terminal block.

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Connecting DRY CONTACT to the logic of a diesel generator e.g. KRAFTWELE KW9800 3F ATS

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DRY CONTACT setting (Hybrid G4/Ultra):

diesel_generator 9.png


  • MaxChargePower - Maximum battery charging power (0~30000, 5000W default)
  • Char&Disc Period - Same function as in inverter charging time setting
  • Charge from Gen → Charge battery to - How much SOC battery to be charged from generator (10~100, 10% default)
  • Charge from Gen → Charge battery to
  • External Gen = Immediately - Immediate start of generator when mains voltage changes
  • Charge from Gen→Charge battery to - How much SOC battery to be charged from generator (10~100, 10% default)
  • MinRestTime - Minimum time between generator starts
  • HoldGenMinPower (hybrid G4 only) - Minimum generator power

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CT/Meter setting (Hybrid G4/Ultra): (applies to both ATS and Dry Contact)

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This operating mode optimizes the operation of your PV plant based on your predefined scenarios at defined time periods.


TOU allows users to set the behaviour of the PV plant according to different scenarios in defined time periods such as weekends, weekdays, holidays, thus making the operation of your inverter more efficient.


Currently, the following inverters are supported to set the TOU operating mode:



The above inverters must contain the latest FW of both the inverter and the communication module.


Mode settings


SolaX cloud:

TOU 1.jpg

Switch your SolaX cloud to V6.3


TOU 2.jpg

On the main page, select Intelligence in the Overview section and select ENTER to enter the TOU settings


TOU 3.jpg

  1. Click the CREATE TOU button
  2. Name the new TOU mode
  3. Select the cycle type (weekdays/weekends)
  4. Set the time period - in this case we have set for one month, discharging the batteries on weekends from 02:00 - 04:00 with a discharge power of 5kW
  5. The rest of the days we have set Self-use mode


TOU 4.jpg



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TOU 7.jpg

Once you have defined the TOU mode, select Add device and add your device for which you want to use the TOU mode.


TOU 8.jpg

Click the start button to start the TOU mode.


TOU 9.jpg

To check the TOU settings, click Details

Here you can check the defined values.

Newly added to the SolaX hybrid G4 inverter is a function for modifying the logic of emergency disconnection of the inverter from the grid known as the SHUT DOWN function or 0/100% regulation. There are now 3 modes to choose from:


1. Battery and inverter power disconnect function


When the potential free connection of pin 1+2 on the COM port is made, the battery / BMS master contactor will be disconnected, thus disconnecting the battery system from the inverter and also forcefully disconnecting the inverter from the distribution network.


Setup as follows: advanced menu - shut down - function control - use COM


shot down 1.png







2. The function of forcefully disconnecting the inverter from the grid, keeping the battery charged


This function is located on the SHUT port of the inverter and pin 4+6, when these pins are connected potential-free, the inverter is forcefully disconnected from the distribution network, but the battery charging function is maintained.


Settings: advanced menu - shut down - wait charge mode - Enable


shot down 3.png






3. Inverter power disconnect function from the mains, no battery usage


This function does not need to be set in any way in the inverter, and is active by default on the SHUT port and pin 4+6 in a potential-free connection. When this function is activated, the inverter is forcefully disconnected from the distribution network and also does not charge the battery.





We have two ways to find out the currently installed version in a SolaX 4th generation hybrid inverter:

  • Directly from the display in the inverter menu and the About section , then select Internal code:

aktual_verze 1.png


The first double digit (27) shows us the DSP version in our case 1.27 and the last double digit (26) the ARM version in this case 1.26.

  • By locally connecting the SolaX cloud application on the mobile device:


1. On the mobile device, connect to the inverter's broadcast wifi network, which has the form "wifi_Sxxxxxxx".

2. Open the SolaX Cloud app and connect locally.

aktual_verze 2.jpg


3. Scan/fill in the registration code of your wi-fi dongle:

aktual_verze 3.jpg


4. Select the "Data" icon on the bottom right and then about, then you will see the DSP and ARM versions:

aktual_verze 4.jpg


Newly implemented in the Solax Hybrid G4 inverter is the Pgrid Bias function, which was specially developed for the Czech market depending on the type of PP contract and the preferences of the PV owner.

  • Pgrid Bias = DISABLE – the inverter regulates to the precisely set value.

Example: Export Control = 0 W and Pgrid Bias = DISABLE. In this combination of settings, the inverter will regulate to 0 W, but it may happen that in the event of a sudden request to cover a large amount of energy - for example, switching on the heating spiral, the inverter will take energy from the grid for a few moments before fully covering this load. Analogously, it also applies in the opposite case, when switching on this high load, the inverter can send a small amount of energy to DS before it downregulates to 0 W.

Conclusion: This setting is suitable for customers who are allowed to flow into the grid and are willing to accept occasional consumption from the grid due to fast switching of heavy loads if they have set Export Control = 0 W. In other cases where Export Control = any positive value should Pgrid Bias also be set to DISABLE.

  • Pgrid Bias = INV – the inverter still draws approx. 40 W from the grid

Example: Export Control = 0 W and Pgrid Bias = INV. In this combination of settings, the inverter will still draw (consume) energy from the network of approx. 40 W so that in the event of a sudden disconnection of a high load, it eliminates the sending of energy to the DS, as the inverter creates a so-called reserve for this possible overflow with this drawing.

Conclusion: This setting is suitable for customers who do not have any network overflow allowed. This setting works more efficiently using original measuring current transformers.

  • Pgrid Bias = GRID – the inverter still sends approx. 40 W to the grid

Example: Export Control = 0 W and Pgrid Bias = GRID. In this combination of settings, the inverter will still send approx. 40 W to the network, so that in the event of a sudden switch-on of a high load, e.g. a heating spiral, there will be no short energy withdrawal from the DS before the inverter fully covers this load.

Conclusion: This setting is suitable for customers who, although supply to the grid is allowed, but want to set Export Control = 0 W and at the same time do not want the inverter to take energy from the DS for a short time in the event of a sudden switching on of a high load.






Download >>  NAV_CHINT_SOLAX_G4

After connecting your black 3.0 wifi dongle, does the message "Aging mode" appear on the inverter and the inverter does not work? We know the solution!
Please restart the whole system so that the inverter goes to normal mode. (disconnecting the inverter from the distribution network, switching the DC switch to the OFF position, turning off the main circuit breaker on the batteries)
After rebooting the entire system, upload the latest FW to your chosen black 3.0 wifi module.

You can find the procedure below:

1. Download latest firmware for black wifi dongle here >>
2. Unzip the downloaded file
3. Connect your laptop to the broadcast wifi signal with a dongle ("wifi_Sxxxxxxxxx")
4. Open the browser and enter the IP address if the wifi dongle does not respond then
5. Enter login information: username: admin, Password: dongle registration number (Sxxxxxxxxx), for older models admin
6. In the System tab, press the "choose file" button and select the downloaded and unzipped file from step 2


7. Press the start button


After uploading the latest wifi dongle firmware, the inverter will go into normal working mode.

External ATS function

If you want to have the EPS output of the inverter always under voltage, please set the External ATS function to Disable in the Advanced menu.





Do you own a SolaX inverter and are unsure which Dongle for communication is compatible with it? We have a solution for you!

Remove the protective cap from the Dongle connector and check the shape.

1) If you find a recess with a USB port, then the type of WHITE Dongle Pocket WiFi 2.0 - order code (B-210-1000) is suitable for you.

2) If you find a black plastic extension with a USB port, the BLACK type Donglu Pocket WiFi 3.0 is suitable for you - order code (B-210-1014)

Determination by product code for X3-Hybrid G4