Solax Pocket Dongle LAN 2.0


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Solax Pocket Dongle LAN 2.0

  • B-210-1001.jpg


SOLAX BANNER 1120x140 G4 2024_EN.jpg


  • Fast installation with "Plug & Play" function
  • Waterproof design with IP 65 dust protection
  • Stable data transmission and good reliability
  • Eco-friendly and modern design




We have two options to find out the currently installed version in a SolaX 4th generation hybrid inverter:

  • Directly from the display in the inverter menu and the about section, I then select the internal code, viz.

The first double digit (27) shows us the DSP version in our case 1.27 and the last double digit (26) the ARM version in this case 1.26

  • By locally connecting the SolaX cloud application on a mobile device.


1. On your mobile device, connect to the broadcast wifi network of the inverter, which has the form "wifi_Sxxxxxxxxx"

2. Open the SolaX Cloud application and local connection

3. Scan / fill in the registration code of your wifi dongle

4. At the bottom right, select the "data" icon and then about, then you will see the DSP and ARM versions

Newly implemented in the Solax Hybrid G4 inverter is the Pgrid Bias function, which was specially developed for the Czech market depending on the type of PP contract and the preferences of the PV owner.

  • Pgrid Bias = DISABLE – the inverter regulates to the precisely set value.

Example: Export Control = 0 W and Pgrid Bias = DISABLE. In this combination of settings, the inverter will regulate to 0 W, but it may happen that in the event of a sudden request to cover a large amount of energy - for example, switching on the heating spiral, the inverter will take energy from the grid for a few moments before fully covering this load. Analogously, it also applies in the opposite case, when switching on this high load, the inverter can send a small amount of energy to DS before it downregulates to 0 W.

Conclusion: This setting is suitable for customers who are allowed to flow into the grid and are willing to accept occasional consumption from the grid due to fast switching of heavy loads if they have set Export Control = 0 W. In other cases where Export Control = any positive value should Pgrid Bias also be set to DISABLE.

  • Pgrid Bias = INV – the inverter still draws approx. 40 W from the grid

Example: Export Control = 0 W and Pgrid Bias = INV. In this combination of settings, the inverter will still draw (consume) energy from the network of approx. 40 W so that in the event of a sudden disconnection of a high load, it eliminates the sending of energy to the DS, as the inverter creates a so-called reserve for this possible overflow with this drawing.

Conclusion: This setting is suitable for customers who do not have any network overflow allowed. This setting works more efficiently using original measuring current transformers.

  • Pgrid Bias = GRID – the inverter still sends approx. 40 W to the grid

Example: Export Control = 0 W and Pgrid Bias = GRID. In this combination of settings, the inverter will still send approx. 40 W to the network, so that in the event of a sudden switch-on of a high load, e.g. a heating spiral, there will be no short energy withdrawal from the DS before the inverter fully covers this load.

Conclusion: This setting is suitable for customers who, although supply to the grid is allowed, but want to set Export Control = 0 W and at the same time do not want the inverter to take energy from the DS for a short time in the event of a sudden switching on of a high load.






Download >>  NAV_CHINT_SOLAX_G4

After connecting your black 3.0 wifi dongle, does the message "Aging mode" appear on the inverter and the inverter does not work? We know the solution!
Please restart the whole system so that the inverter goes to normal mode. (disconnecting the inverter from the distribution network, switching the DC switch to the OFF position, turning off the main circuit breaker on the batteries)
After rebooting the entire system, upload the latest FW to your chosen black 3.0 wifi module.

You can find the procedure below:

1. Download latest firmware for black wifi dongle here >>
2. Unzip the downloaded file
3. Connect your laptop to the broadcast wifi signal with a dongle ("wifi_Sxxxxxxxxx")
4. Open the browser and enter the IP address if the wifi dongle does not respond then
5. Enter login information: username: admin, Password: dongle registration number (Sxxxxxxxxx), for older models admin
6. In the System tab, press the "choose file" button and select the downloaded and unzipped file from step 2


7. Press the start button


After uploading the latest wifi dongle firmware, the inverter will go into normal working mode.

External ATS function

If you want to have the EPS output of the inverter always under voltage, please set the External ATS function to Disable in the Advanced menu.





Do you own a SolaX inverter and are unsure which Dongle for communication is compatible with it? We have a solution for you!

Remove the protective cap from the Dongle connector and check the shape.

1) If you find a recess with a USB port, then the type of WHITE Dongle Pocket WiFi 2.0 - order code (B-210-1000) is suitable for you.

2) If you find a black plastic extension with a USB port, the BLACK type Donglu Pocket WiFi 3.0 is suitable for you - order code (B-210-1014)

Determination by product code for X3-Hybrid G4